Write For Us

Its News Hub is the fastest growing in News and Tech community. Since it is a community blog we always encourage new bloggers to create and contribute to a blog that is unique.

Here are some guidelines:

  1. The article should be around 800+ words.
  2. Give a convincing, clear argument that is supported by evidence, examples or even facts.
  3. Avoid long introductions, and instead, focus on the main point.
  4. Include an introduction and add proper research keywords related to your topic.
  5. Include an author bio that includes information about your background and knowledge that clearly explain what your perspective regarding the subject matter should be considered for readers.
  6. If you’re not the author be sure to inform us which organization you work for and explain your connection to the creator.
  7. Include video, images or infographics along with the article.

How can you Become Its News Hub contributors?

If you want to become a regular contributor to Its News Hub, here are some suggestions to aid you in getting your article published and accepted:

Visit the homepage and browse through some of the pages, and categories first to learn what kinds of articles we post here.

Write content that is only focused on the quality of content and providing value to readers.

Write For Us

Here are some of the categories I will prefer and accept articles. Explore our website to find out the kind of content we share:

  1. Internet, Technology, Artificial Intelligent AI, Cybersecurity, Ethical Hacking and Machine learning.
  2. Block chain, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Trading.
  3. Apps, Software, Gadgets, Errors Solutions.
  4. Digital marketing, social marketing through media online marketing, marketing through inbound and SEO tools as well as software and case research.
  5. Tips and tricks for blogging, tools, Business and marketing for blogs.
  6. News, Gadgets, Phones, Lifestyle, Health & Fitness, Travel, Gaming, general and more.

Find an Idea that is Innovative:

  1. Write a piece that is based on your experiences and your research.
  2. Utilize your knowledge to understand an upcoming trend or news story.
  3. Provide a solution to the common problem or issue.
  4. Tell a story about your experience that you think will be of interest to many others.

Guest post submission guidelines:

We do Like:

  • Be Original. Do not duplicate and rewrite articles on the web. Make sure to add interesting information to your blog so that the reader is engaged.
  • Write your own personal thoughts. Do not write about something you’re not an expert in Add a bit of your personality to your writing. We would like to know your expertise throughout the piece.
  • Make sure that the lengths of the article you submit are between 1000 and 2500 words.
  • Use original images, or use images with attributes that aren’t your own. The width of images should be at least 800px as often as possible.
  • Include references to your piece whenever you can and support your arguments by research and research. Please refrain from adding data that isn’t accurate or creating statistics that don’t meet your requirements.

We Don’t Accept:

  • Plagiarize. Do not submit work that was previously published online or the rewriting of someone else’s work.
  • Write articles that have no value or value to the readers. Every article you write must be written with a goal.
  • Submit content that is not properly written or sentences that are not properly constructed. Technology is complex enough without having to navigate through bad grammar or sentence structures. Be sure to proofread your content prior to the submission date or have someone with excellent grammar edit your article.
  • Utilize images with no copyright or the right to attribute. We do not like instances of plagiarism, or threats to do so in which you fail to always credit work that isn’t your own.

If you’ve read through our requirements, please follow the following steps to contact us.

Send your ideas for posts or an example blog post to:   infoitsnewshub@gmail.com

Write For Us General Categories

“write for us” + general

“technology” + write for us

“write for us” + mobile app development

“write for us” + tech

“cyber security” + write for us

“write for us” + gadgets

artificial intelligence + “write for us”

cryptocurrency + “write for us”

finance + “write for us”

b2b + “write for us”

“write for us”+ business

accounting + “write for us”

real estate + “write for us”

home decor + “write for us”

home improvement + “write for us”

health + “write for us”

write for us + “health tips”

health and wellness + “write for us”

astrology + “write for us”

fitness + “write for us”

psychology + “write for us”

lifestyle + “write for us”

beauty + “write for us”

fashion + “write for us”

skin care + “write for us”

art + “write for us”

write for us + “travel”

marketing + “write for us”

write for us + “digital marketing”

ecommerce + “write for us”

web development + “write for us”

seo + “write for us”

write for us + “affiliate marketing”

gaming + “write-for-us”

automotive + “write for us”

education + write for us

self development + “write for us”

entertainment + “write for us”

big data + “write for us”

write for us + “guest post”

blogging + write for us

General “guest article”

books + “write for us”

General “submit content”

“Write for us” + General

“General”+“Write for us”

“Write for us”+“General”

General “contributing writer”

General “guest post”

General “write for us”

General “submit post”

General “guest post opportunities”

General “submit an article”

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